Monday, May 26, 2014

Obligatory Introduction Post!

After laying in bed with much excitement last night, I have decided to go ahead and start this blog! I've always had a desire to start a journal, diary, or blog of some sort but never got around to writing more than a few entries to anything. Scattered around my house are old single page diaries with hot gossip like which kid farted in class, and scathing exposés on the lies of elementary school teachers, but none have lasted more than a few days. (Aside from a certain happy journal which needs to be updated!). Despite a lifetime of incomplete projects, I feel optimistic starting this one and I am hoping for the best!

As for why I've started this blog, there are a few things I have been unfulfilled in over the course of my life. I'm a fairly opinionated person, but in my everyday life I have very few outlets for my thoughts. Partially I am scared of creating negative tension with opposing viewpoints, another factor is that I am unsure how to even express thoughts that are deeper than what want to eat for dinner. Pairing this with less than stellar social skills, I find myself mostly nodding my head while I hear people babble about nonsense that I couldn't disagree with more, wanting to hold some sort of intelligent conversation but completely baffled as to how to do so. I've taken on this project as a way to better myself and begin to live a more fulfilling life. I figure that through tinkering with my words on this blog, I'll slowly learn how to more effectively communicate my thoughts, and ideally one day that will also translate into effective verbal communication as well. I also hope that through expressing my thoughts on this blog, I will become more comfortable with expressing them in a variety of situations. Of course there is also the possibility that none of those things will happen even if I keep up with this, but at the very least I will have some sort of an outlet for my inner thoughts.

So I plan to write about the various things that go through my mind, mostly my thoughts regarding  the world we live in,
the human condition and all that encompasses, and my personal experiences. Although I doubt anyone will actually read this blog aside from my boyfriend, I like to think that one day by sharing my experiences I may help someone who is going through something similar! (Wishful thinking, of course.)

If I end up sticking with this blog, I look forward to seeing how I grow over the years! I am only 20 years old, I have a lot of things I simply do not know. As painful as it is to admit, I do not have all the answers and my thoughts on various things are bound to change as I live and experience new things. I'm curious as to which things will stand the test of time, and which things I might end up completely changing my stance on.

I think that about sums up my introduction to this blog, now let's hope I stick around long enough to write my first (real) entry! Let's blogging!